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Some dates may vary slightly as they are determined by the lunar calendar.

Upcoming Islam Holidays

ThursdayThuMar 27, 2025Mar 27Laylat al Qadr
MondayMonMar 31, 2025Mar 31Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)
FridayFriJun 06, 2025Jun 06Waqf al Arafa - Hajj
SaturdaySatJun 07, 2025Jun 07Eid-al-Adha
ThursdayThuJun 26, 2025Jun 26Hijra - Islamic New Year
SaturdaySatJul 05, 2025Jul 05Day of Ashura / Muharram
FridayFriSep 05, 2025Sep 05Milad un Nabi
FridayFriJan 16, 2026Jan 16Lailat al Miraj
TuesdayTueFeb 03, 2026Feb 03Lailat al Bara'ah
WednesdayWedFeb 18, 2026Feb 18Ramadan (start)
MondayMonMar 16, 2026Mar 16Laylat al Qadr
FridayFriMar 20, 2026Mar 20Eid-al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)
MondayMonMay 25, 2026May 25Waqf al Arafa - Hajj
TuesdayTueJun 16, 2026Jun 16Hijra - Islamic New Year
FridayFriJun 26, 2026Jun 26Day of Ashura / Muharram

List days in week, their corresponding english names and significance in Islamic calendar.

Days in Islamic Calendar

# Day (Arabic) English Name Significance
1 (Yawm) al-Aḥad
Sunday First day
2 (Yawm) al-Ithnayn
Monday Second day
3 (Yawm) ath-Thulāthāʼ
Tuesday Third day
4 (Yawm) al-Arbi‘ā’
Wednesday Fourth day
5 (Yawm) al-Khamīs
Thursday Fifth day
6 (Yawm) al-Jumu‘ah
Friday Gathering day
7 (Yawm) as-Sabt
Saturday Day of Rest

List of Hijri months and corresponding gregorian calendar in Islamic calendar.

Months in Islamic Calendar

# Month Arabic Significance
1 Muharram مُحَرَّم Muḥarram forbidden
2 Safar صَفَر Ṣafar void
3 Rabi' I رَبيع الأوّل Rabī‘ al-Awwal the first spring
4 Rabi' II رَبيع الثاني Rabī‘ ath-Thānī the second/last spring
5 Jumada I جُمادى الأولى Jumādá al-Ūlá the first of parched land
6 Jumada II جُمادى الثانية Jumādá ath-Thāniyah the second/last of parched land
7 Rajab رَجَب Rajab respect, honor
8 Sha'ban شَعْبان Sha‘bān scattered
9 Ramadan رَمَضان Ramaḍān burning heat
10 Shawwal شَوّال Shawwāl raised
11 Dhu al-Qi‘dah ذو القِعْدة Dhul Qidah the one of truce/sitting
12 Dhu al-Hijjah ذو الحِجّة Dhul Ḥijjah the one of pilgrimage

Islamic Festivals Calendar

The Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar consists of twelve months in a year and 354 days. There are either 29 or 30 days in each month, but they are not in order. It is also called as Muslim calendar or Hijri calendar.

Islamic festivals or the holidays are celebrated according to Islamic calendar. The traditional practice is, festival dates are decided and declared by a committee of Muslim leaders in local country. This practice is followed in majority of Muslim countries. Muslim leaders follow the process of fist sighting of crescent moon after sunset to decide first day of each month and then festivals are derived from there.

Here we have provided details 2022 islamic festival holiday dates and any other information related to muslim religious holiday. Some dates may vary slightly in local countries as they are determined locally according to moon sighting.