When is Galentine's Day in 2026?
Galentine's Day in 2026 is on the Friday, 13th of Feb (2/13/2026).
Galentine's Day is on the 44th day of 2026. There are 321 days left in the year.
Galentine's Day Facts
- Date: Feb 13, 2026
- fun
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Celebrations; Gather all your girlfriends together and spend some quality time

Galentine's Day and Valentine's Day are actually all about the same concept. However, Galentine's Day is all about the celebration of friendship, while Valentine's Day celebrates romance and love. Galentine's Day is therefore dedicated to people who are close to us as friends and not connected with romance.
What is the history of Galentine's Day?
A fictional character by the name Leslie Knope is believed to be the root of Galentine's Day. It was all a creation of the 16th episode of the Parks and Recreation second season. The episode revolved Leslie's favorite tradition, Galentine's Day. Leslie then marked the Day with plenty of waffles and excessive gifting as she celebrated her friendship with female close friends and colleagues. The celebration was in 2010, and that marked the first time Galentine's Day was observed.
When is Galentine's Day?
Galentine's Day is unofficially celebrated on February 13th, the day before the infamous Valentine's Day. The Day has gained popularity over the years since its inception in 2010.
Why celebrate Galentine's Day?
Galentine's Day was established as a holiday to celebrate women and show how important women are. Galentine's Day, therefore, allows you to celebrate your lady friends and appreciate the achievements they have made in life. Unlike romance, which can quickly fade off, real friendships last forever. Celebrating Galentine's Day is a constant reminder that real female friendships last a lifetime.
Things to do on Galentine's Day
Galentine's Day is a time to gather all your girlfriends together and spend some quality time. If you didn't manage a face to face session, a skype call would be great. Spend time sharing some memories and encouraging each other on various aspects of life.
Organize a dinner date with the girls, and be sure to eat and drink to your satisfaction on Galentine's Day. You have all the excuse to cheat on Galentine's Day. Indulge in your favorite food and drinks as you dance the night away. Such days do not come very often.
If you have not watched the 16th episode of the 2nd season of Parks and Recreation, this is the best time. It would be great to know where Galentine's Day originated from.
Galentine's Day Observances
- Sun
- Feb 13, 2022
- Mon
- Feb 13, 2023
- Tue
- Feb 13, 2024
- Thu
- Feb 13, 2025