When is National Pancake Day in 2026?
National Pancake Day in 2026 is on the Tuesday, 17th of Feb (2/17/2026).
National Pancake Day is on the 48th day of 2026. There are 317 days left in the year.
National Pancake Day Facts
- Date: Feb 17, 2026
- Fun
- Also Called: Lumberjack Day, Serabi, hotcakes, flapjacks
- Celebrations: Cooking, Eating

Initially, National Pancake Day was called Lumberjack Day often referenced as ‘eat like a lumberjack day. This holiday is celebrated annually on 26th September.
The pancakes are round, made with milk, thick batter, flour, and eggs. Different regions have improved their recipe; the American pancakes have an addition of raising agents which makes them thicker than the standard British crepes.
Other recipes include Applesauce, pumpkin, buttermilk, pecan and banana with maple butter and lemon blueberry pancakes. The standard pancake measures are 1/3 inches in thickness and 4 inches in diameter.
History of National Pancake Day
Colleen AF and Marianne Ways started national Pancake Day. The duo was looking for justifiable means of eating a lot of pancakes and waffles.
Pancakes are breakfast meals that have been in existence since ancient Greece. In North America, this breakfast is an all-time favorite. It started having a recognizable impact on the community in 2005. As many people loved and adored it, it was not long before it got its recognition. The tradition of mixing up these ingredients is believed to have come from Christians or the pagan ritual which represented the different pillars of their faith.
In Britain and other regions of Europe, the pancakes are called crepe; they are thin and come with a savory topping. Other names for pancakes include, ‘Serabi’ in Indonesia, hotcakes, and flapjacks.
There is also another similar holiday observed as National Pan Cake Day; this is Shrove Tuesday where people get to enjoy a lot of pancakes.
How to celebrate the National Pancake Day
Many families prefer to cook their favorite pancakes for breakfast. You can make pancakes with friends as you try out new and unique recipes.
You can also have pancakes for dinner as the main meal — not a common trait on any other day but often accepted on the National Pancake Day.
Cooks and chefs get to design and try out new pancake designs. The good thing is that these artistic pancakes are offered at discounted prices in most restaurants. So, gang up with friends and have fun trying out new pancake flavors.
In North America, pancake making contests are held on National Pancake Day. On this day, the best pancakes recipes get to take away different prizes. Different organizations also merge on this day and make it a social event where they give away free pancake to the less fortunate.
Remember to get all your loved ones in the ‘pancakes mood’ by sharing a pancake recipe on social media via the hashtag #NationalPancakeDay.
National Pancake Day Observances
- Tue
- Mar 01, 2022
- Tue
- Feb 21, 2023
- Tue
- Feb 13, 2024
- Tue
- Mar 04, 2025