When is Election Day in 2025?
Election Day in 2025 is on the Tuesday, 11th of Nov (11/11/2025).
Election Day is on the 315th day of 2025. There are 50 days left in the year.
Election Day Facts
- Date: Nov 11, 2025
- Regional
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Celebrations; Encourage people to vote

Americans exercise their political power by voting for their representatives. The elections and voting culture date back in 1792 when a law allowing each state to conduct presidential elections was passed. The law allowed states to conduct presidential elections anytime 34 days before December's first Wednesday. It is on the same date that electoral college meetings were held in each state. In 1845, a single date was chosen for all the United States Congress. The first Tuesday after November's first Monday was chosen.
When is Election Day?
Every first Tuesday after November's first Monday is Election Day. Therefore, election Day can only fall on November 2nd at its earliest and November 8th as the latest possible date. Election Day is observed every second year. Tuesday was chosen as the election day, considering that Sundays are a day off for Christians.
Is Election Day a public holiday?
The day is a public holiday in only select states. These include Kentucky, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Montana, New York, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico. In some other states, employees are legally entitled to a day off, without losing their pay. Other employers allow their employees to come in late after casting their votes. Due to the low voters' turnout, there has been a push to declare Election Day as a federal holiday to encourage more citizens to vote.
What is open or closed on Election Day?
On Election Day, most people are usually out there, casting their votes. In the states where the day is a state holiday, state offices, schools, organizations, and most businesses remain closed on Election Day. The public transit is likely to be affected too as workers go to cast their votes.
Things to do on Election Day
Election Day is a time to exercise your democratic right by voting for your preferred candidate in the public offices. You are a compelling person on this day as you possess the right to vote in the candidate you believe should be given the mandate to lead the American citizens. Don't abuse this right or shirk your duty; just vote wisely.
Be sure to call your family and friends and encourage them to vote. Arm them with all the information they need: the timing and the places where voting is taking happening. After casting your vote, call, text, or even post to friends on social media to inform them that you have exercised your voting rights. Such action will encourage others to follow into your footsteps.
As a patriotic citizen, it's your responsibility to report any problems at the voting centers. Whether it is voting irregularities, issues with voting machines, or even some individuals denied the right to vote, don't be silent. There is always a hotline provided for citizens to air their concerns.
Election Day Observances
- Wed
- Nov 11, 2020
- Thu
- Nov 11, 2021
- Fri
- Nov 11, 2022
- Sat
- Nov 11, 2023
- Mon
- Nov 11, 2024