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When is Labour Day in 2025?

Labour Day in 2025 is on the Monday, 6th of Oct (10/06/2025).

Labour Day is on the 279th day of 2025. There are 86 days left in the year.

Labour Day Facts

  • Date: Oct 06, 2025
  • National
  • Also Called: May Day, Eight Hours Day
  • Celebrations: Celebrations: Parades, relaxing, barbeque, wine tasting
Labour Day iImage Credit: Flickr

Some states of Australia call it May Day, Eight Hours Day while most people refer it to Labour Day. The public day celebrates the granting of eight-hour working day for the people of Australia in the 19th century. The eight hour day rule was based on the need for every Australian to have eight hours of labour, eight hours of recreation and eight hours of rest.

History of Labour Day

Labour Day in Australia dates back to the 19th century. During the mid-1800s, workers in Australia were subjected to long working hours of up to 12 hours, six days a week. Many Australians were not happy with this, and they started pushing for better working conditions.

On April 21, 1850, some stone masons marched to the parliament building where they demanded for an eight-hour working day. The march bore fruits and employers agreed to a 48-hour weekly system. A victory march was conducted on May 12, 1950, to celebrate the milestone. The new work regulations became law in 1856 in the state of New South Wales, Queensland in 1858, South Australia implemented it in 1873 while Tasmania embraced the law in 1874.

In 1879, the Victorian government bettered the conditions of workers by proclaiming a paid holiday that year.

The first and largest Labour Day event was held in Queensland on May 1, 1891, and over 1000 people participated in the march.

When Is Labour Day Celebrated On Different States?

Western Australia celebrates Labour Day on the first Monday in March. Victoria and Tasmania mark the holiday on the second Monday in March. The Northern Territory observes Labour Day on the first Monday in May. The state of Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, and New South Wales observe this day on the first Monday of October. Queensland, however, used to celebrate Labour Day on the first Monday in May and only switched dates in the year 2012.

Tasmania refers to this holiday as Eight Hours Day while the Northern territory calls it May Day. The other states simply call it Labour Day.

Why Do The Australian States Celebrate Labour Day On Different Days?

The Australian states and territories adopted the Eight-hour working day on different dates. Again, the public day is individually declared by each of the states and therefore not a uniform national holiday.

Is The Eight-Hour Working Day Still Practiced Today?

Although the eight-hour working day is still enshrined in the Australian system, most workers regularly work beyond the 9-5pm work day. At the time of hiring most employers clearly state to their workers that they can be asked to work longer in some circumstances. However, overtime hours are only granted if there is no risk of health and safety to the employee, the need of workforce, enough notice of the overtime necessity among other conditions.

How to Celebrate Labour Day

Labour Day is usually part of a long weekend and therefore an opportunity for you to relax, have barbeques, spend time with family, plan a getaway, go for a picnic or engage in sporting activities.

The holiday is also marked with parades and marches led by political figures. Union members also take part in these marches as they address various labour issues for the Australian workers.

It is also a great time to go wine tasting. Adelaide is home to some of the best wineries such as Barossa, Clare, McClaren Vale, and Adelaide Hills. Most of these wineries offer free wine tasting.

Why Celebrate Labour Day?

Labour Day commemorates the adoption of shorter working hours for the Australian workers. It is also a celebration for better working conditions such as sick offs, holiday leave and job security. Although all these were not granted at the same time, the hard work of workers unions has been evident over the years. By celebrating Labour Day, we appreciate the struggles of the workers in the previous century into receiving favourable working conditions for the future generations.

Labour Day Observances


List of National and Regional Public Holidays of Australia in 2025

WednesdayWedJan 01, 2025Jan 01New Year's Day
MondayMonJan 27, 2025Jan 27Australia Day
MondayMonMar 03, 2025Mar 03Labour Day (WA)
MondayMonMar 10, 2025Mar 10Canberra Day (ACT)
MondayMonMar 10, 2025Mar 10Eight Hours Day (TAS)
MondayMonMar 10, 2025Mar 10Labour Day (VIC)
FridayFriApr 18, 2025Apr 18Good Friday
SundaySunApr 20, 2025Apr 20Easter Sunday
MondayMonApr 21, 2025Apr 21Easter Monday
FridayFriApr 25, 2025Apr 25Anzac Day
MondayMonMay 05, 2025May 05May Day (NT)
MondayMonJun 02, 2025Jun 02Western Australia Day (WA)
MondayMonJun 09, 2025Jun 09King's Birthday (Most region)
MondayMonAug 04, 2025Aug 04Picnic Day (NT)
MondayMonSep 29, 2025Sep 29King's Birthday (WA)
MondayMonOct 06, 2025Oct 06Labour Day (Most Region)
MondayMonOct 06, 2025Oct 06King's Birthday (QLD)
ThursdayThuDec 25, 2025Dec 25Christmas Day
FridayFriDec 26, 2025Dec 26Boxing Day
WednesdayWedDec 31, 2025Dec 31New Year's Eve

List of Popular Celebration Days of United States in 2025

SundaySunJan 12, 2025Jan 12National Pharmacists Day
SundaySunJan 19, 2025Jan 19National Popcorn Day
SundaySunFeb 02, 2025Feb 02Groundhog Day
WednesdayWedFeb 05, 2025Feb 05National Signing Day
FridayFriFeb 07, 2025Feb 07National Wear Red Day
SundaySunFeb 09, 2025Feb 09National Pizza Day
ThursdayThuFeb 13, 2025Feb 13Galentine's Day
FridayFriFeb 14, 2025Feb 14Valentine's Day
SaturdaySatFeb 15, 2025Feb 15National Bagel Day
TuesdayTueFeb 18, 2025Feb 18National Drink Wine Day
SaturdaySatFeb 22, 2025Feb 22National Margarita Day
TuesdayTueMar 04, 2025Mar 04National Pancake Day
FridayFriMar 07, 2025Mar 07National Cereal Day
FridayFriMar 07, 2025Mar 07National Employee Appreciation Day
SundaySunMar 09, 2025Mar 09Daylight savings
MondayMonMar 10, 2025Mar 10National Napping Day
FridayFriMar 14, 2025Mar 14National Walkout Day
FridayFriMar 14, 2025Mar 14National Pi Day
ThursdayThuMar 20, 2025Mar 20National Proposal Day
SundaySunMar 23, 2025Mar 23National Puppy Day
SundaySunMar 30, 2025Mar 30National Doctor Day
WednesdayWedApr 02, 2025Apr 02National Walking Day
ThursdayThuApr 03, 2025Apr 03National Burrito Day
MondayMonApr 07, 2025Apr 07National Beer Day
FridayFriApr 11, 2025Apr 11National Pet Day
SaturdaySatApr 12, 2025Apr 12National Grilled Cheese Day
ThursdayThuMay 01, 2025May 01National Day Of Prayer
SundaySunMay 11, 2025May 11Mother's Day
SundaySunMay 25, 2025May 25National Towel Day
SundaySunMay 25, 2025May 25National Wine Day
FridayFriJun 06, 2025Jun 06National Donut Day
SundaySunJun 08, 2025Jun 08National Best Friends Day
SundaySunJun 15, 2025Jun 15Father's Day
SaturdaySatJun 21, 2025Jun 21National Selfie Day
SundaySunJun 22, 2025Jun 22National Kissing Day
SundaySunJul 13, 2025Jul 13National French Fry Day
MondayMonJul 14, 2025Jul 14National Nude Day
WednesdayWedJul 16, 2025Jul 16National Hot Dog Day
SundaySunJul 20, 2025Jul 20National Ice Cream Day
WednesdayWedJul 23, 2025Jul 23Amazon Prime Day
ThursdayThuJul 24, 2025Jul 24National Tequila Day
TuesdayTueJul 29, 2025Jul 29National Chicken Wing Day
FridayFriAug 01, 2025Aug 01National Girlfriends Day
SundaySunAug 03, 2025Aug 03National Sister Day
ThursdayThuSep 18, 2025Sep 18National Cheeseburger Day
FridayFriOct 03, 2025Oct 03National Boyfriends Day
SaturdaySatOct 04, 2025Oct 04National Vodka Day
SaturdaySatOct 04, 2025Oct 04National Taco Day
ThursdayThuOct 09, 2025Oct 09Leif Erikson Day
SaturdaySatOct 18, 2025Oct 18Sweetest Day
WednesdayWedOct 29, 2025Oct 29National Cat Day
FridayFriOct 31, 2025Oct 31Halloween
MondayMonNov 03, 2025Nov 03National Sandwich Day
FridayFriNov 28, 2025Nov 28Black Friday
MondayMonDec 01, 2025Dec 01Cyber Monday
SaturdaySatDec 06, 2025Dec 06Candle Day
TuesdayTueDec 09, 2025Dec 09National Pastry Day
FridayFriDec 19, 2025Dec 19National Ugly Sweater day