When is World Meteorological Day in 2026?
World Meteorological Day in 2026 is on the Monday, 23rd of Mar (3/23/2026).
World Meteorological Day is on the 82th day of 2026. There are 283 days left in the year.
World Meteorological Day Facts
- Date: Mar 23, 2026
- International
- Also Called: World Meteorological Day
- Celebrations: Organizing programs, events and activities geared at raising awareness about meteorology

World Meteorological Day is a global holiday observed on March 23rd every year. The day honors the World Meteorological Organization, which collects data across the globe to help us get clear weather updates every day.
It’s hard to imagine how life was like centuries of years ago when there was no technology to determine how the weather was going to be like. Our ancestors depended on animal behaviors and changes in the sky to predict weather changes. Today, the weather forecast is easily accessible through mobile apps, the TV, radio stations or by just logging to the internet. Current technological advances have also made it easy to predict events such as tornadoes and earthquakes and hence take precautions in good time.
What is Meteorology?
Meteorology as a science deals with the atmosphere, weather, climate and weather forecasting. Meteorology dates back in the 17th century, but significant progress in weather forecasting did not happen until the 18th century. The 19th century saw modest improvement in the field, but breakthroughs in this field were witnessed in the 20th and 21st centuries.
History of World Meteorological Day
In 1873, the International Meteorological Organization was established during a congress in Vienna, Austria. The organization’s primary aim was to develop meteorological station networks, improve weather forecasts, and exchange meteorological information across borders.
On March 23rd, 1950, the UN changed the name International Meteorological organization to the World Meteorological Organization, and it became the UN”s agency for meteorology and related geophysical sciences.
In 1961, the World Meteorological Organization designated March 23rd as the UN World Meteorological Day. The date of observance was chosen to coincide with the anniversary of the organization’s creation in 1950.
Where Are The World Meteorological Organization Offices Located?
The World Meteorological Organization headquarters are situated in Geneva, Switzerland. The organization is headed by the secretary general, and its supreme body is the World Meteorological Congress.
How to Celebrate World Meteorological Day
The World Meteorological Organization marks the day by organizing programs, events, and activities geared at raising awareness about meteorology. The organization also creates a unique theme every year meant to keep a constant watch of the weather for today’s betterment and that of the future. You can celebrate this day by participating in local events, exhibitions, and conferences organized by meteorological professionals and leaders in your area. That would be a great chance to understand your country’s meteorological history and current condition.
You can also give your local TV channels a break this day and watch the weather channel instead. There is plenty to learn about weather forecasts.
Another great way to celebrate the day would be by donating and volunteering at relief organizations. Although the meteorological department ensures early warnings are issued in case of disasters, storms and earthquakes are still capable of causing a lot of damage within a few hours. Get in touch with the Red Cross or a local relief organization near you to find out how you can be of help.
Above all, don’t forget to share your thoughts and views about meteorology on social media via the hashtag #MeteorologicalDay.
Why Celebrate World Meteorological Day
Accurate daily weather forecasts help us plan our days ahead of time. From what to wear to how to organize our schedules. The World Meteorological Organization also monitors climatic changes such as fluctuating temperatures and advice the public accordingly. Most importantly, meteorologists warn us about natural disasters and therefore help people and property be evacuated in good time. Therefore, there is every need to honor the professionals who deal with the weather by celebrating World Meteorological Day.
World Meteorological Day Observances
- Mon
- Mar 23, 2015
- Wed
- Mar 23, 2016
- Thu
- Mar 23, 2017
- Fri
- Mar 23, 2018
- Sat
- Mar 23, 2019