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When is Bennington Battle Day in 2025?

Bennington Battle Day in 2025 is on the Friday, 15th of Aug (8/15/2025).

Bennington Battle Day is on the 227th day of 2025. There are 138 days left in the year.

Bennington Battle Day Facts

  • Date: Aug 15, 2025
  • Regional
  • Also Called:
  • Celebrations: Celebrations; Plan tour to Bennington Monument enjoy the landscapes and breathtaking views
Bennington Battle Day iImage Credit: Wikipedia

Vermont, the second state with the lowest population in the United States, is located on the northeastern side in the New England region. The state hosts millions of tourists every year due to its beauty of green mountains, valleys, and the tranquility of its countryside. Vermont is also known for the huge deer and bear population, but members of the cat family are rare. The economy of Vermont is mainly boosted by tourism, agriculture, and manufacturing plants. The state has very low unemployment rates though the wages are considered lower than other states in the US. The state of Vermont is famous because of the Bennington Battle.

What is Bennington Battle Day?

Bennington Battle Day dates back in 1777 during the Revolutionary War in North America between British and American troops. Led by the German colonel Friedrich Baum, the 800 soldiers of the British soldiers were very optimistic about defeating the American militia and plunder their military supplies. The American troops were led by Colonel Seth Warner and his green mountain boys who strategized and attacked the British from several directions wounding their leader fatally. The British resulted in running away, and they surrendered shortly afterward. In the end, the British had lost 207 soldiers, with 700 captured against 30 Americans deaths and 42 wounded. Although the battle happened in NewYork, it was given the name Bennington considering that the British aimed to raid the American's supply depot of the weapons and ammunition in Bennington Vermont. Today, a monument towers at about 306 feet in Bennington's city as a memorable icon of the Bennington Battle Day.

When is Bennington Battle Day?

Bennington Battle Day is celebrated every year in the state of Vermont on August 16th. If it falls on a weekend, then the day is observed on the nearest weekday.

Is Bennington Battle Day a public holiday?

Bennington Battle Day is a state public day in the state of Vermont. The holiday is only observed in Vermont and not any other State in the US.

What is open or closed on Bennington Battle Day?

Bennington Battle Day is a day off to the general population. Government offices, schools, most organizations, and businesses remain closed on this day. State historic sites, however, remain open for the public to visit on Bennington Battle Day. If planning to use transit services, you may need to check with transport authorities for any changes in the timetable.

Things to do on Bennington Battle Day

Bennington Battle Day is a time to commemorate the revolutionary war that was a great turning point for the United States. There are plenty of activities, especially in the city of Bennington.

The most popular site that you must tour is the Bennington Monument. Don't fail to ride up the elevator to the top and enjoy the Virginia landscapes and breathtaking views of Newyork and Massachusetts. The site attracts thousands of tourists and locals, and you are therefore assured of fun activities on your tour here.

You could also take the opportunity to tour the great city of Bennington and discover its wonders. Some famous places include Bennington Museum, the old first congregational church, and the Bennington center cemetery, where the soldiers perished during Bennington Battle Day are buried.

Bennington Battle Day Observances

  • Mon
  • Aug 17, 2020
  • Mon
  • Aug 16, 2021
  • Tue
  • Aug 16, 2022
  • Wed
  • Aug 16, 2023
  • Fri
  • Aug 16, 2024

List of State Holidays of Vermont in 2025

WednesdayWedJan 01, 2025Jan 01New Year's Day
MondayMonJan 20, 2025Jan 20Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
MondayMonFeb 17, 2025Feb 17President's Day
TuesdayTueMar 04, 2025Mar 04Town Meeting Day
MondayMonMay 26, 2025May 26Memorial Day
ThursdayThuJun 19, 2025Jun 19Juneteenth
FridayFriJul 04, 2025Jul 04Independence Day
FridayFriAug 15, 2025Aug 15Bennington Battle Day
MondayMonSep 01, 2025Sep 01Labor Day
MondayMonOct 13, 2025Oct 13Columbus Day
TuesdayTueNov 11, 2025Nov 11Veteran's Day
ThursdayThuNov 27, 2025Nov 27Thanksgiving Day
ThursdayThuDec 25, 2025Dec 25Christmas Day

List of Popular Celebration Days of United States in 2025

SundaySunJan 12, 2025Jan 12National Pharmacists Day
SundaySunJan 19, 2025Jan 19National Popcorn Day
SundaySunFeb 02, 2025Feb 02Groundhog Day
WednesdayWedFeb 05, 2025Feb 05National Signing Day
FridayFriFeb 07, 2025Feb 07National Wear Red Day
SundaySunFeb 09, 2025Feb 09National Pizza Day
ThursdayThuFeb 13, 2025Feb 13Galentine's Day
FridayFriFeb 14, 2025Feb 14Valentine's Day
SaturdaySatFeb 15, 2025Feb 15National Bagel Day
TuesdayTueFeb 18, 2025Feb 18National Drink Wine Day
SaturdaySatFeb 22, 2025Feb 22National Margarita Day
TuesdayTueMar 04, 2025Mar 04National Pancake Day
FridayFriMar 07, 2025Mar 07National Cereal Day
FridayFriMar 07, 2025Mar 07National Employee Appreciation Day
SundaySunMar 09, 2025Mar 09Daylight savings
MondayMonMar 10, 2025Mar 10National Napping Day
FridayFriMar 14, 2025Mar 14National Walkout Day
FridayFriMar 14, 2025Mar 14National Pi Day
ThursdayThuMar 20, 2025Mar 20National Proposal Day
SundaySunMar 23, 2025Mar 23National Puppy Day
SundaySunMar 30, 2025Mar 30National Doctor Day
WednesdayWedApr 02, 2025Apr 02National Walking Day
ThursdayThuApr 03, 2025Apr 03National Burrito Day
MondayMonApr 07, 2025Apr 07National Beer Day
FridayFriApr 11, 2025Apr 11National Pet Day
SaturdaySatApr 12, 2025Apr 12National Grilled Cheese Day
ThursdayThuMay 01, 2025May 01National Day Of Prayer
SundaySunMay 11, 2025May 11Mother's Day
SundaySunMay 25, 2025May 25National Towel Day
SundaySunMay 25, 2025May 25National Wine Day
FridayFriJun 06, 2025Jun 06National Donut Day
SundaySunJun 08, 2025Jun 08National Best Friends Day
SundaySunJun 15, 2025Jun 15Father's Day
SaturdaySatJun 21, 2025Jun 21National Selfie Day
SundaySunJun 22, 2025Jun 22National Kissing Day
SundaySunJul 13, 2025Jul 13National French Fry Day
MondayMonJul 14, 2025Jul 14National Nude Day
WednesdayWedJul 16, 2025Jul 16National Hot Dog Day
SundaySunJul 20, 2025Jul 20National Ice Cream Day
WednesdayWedJul 23, 2025Jul 23Amazon Prime Day
ThursdayThuJul 24, 2025Jul 24National Tequila Day
TuesdayTueJul 29, 2025Jul 29National Chicken Wing Day
FridayFriAug 01, 2025Aug 01National Girlfriends Day
SundaySunAug 03, 2025Aug 03National Sister Day
ThursdayThuSep 18, 2025Sep 18National Cheeseburger Day
FridayFriOct 03, 2025Oct 03National Boyfriends Day
SaturdaySatOct 04, 2025Oct 04National Vodka Day
SaturdaySatOct 04, 2025Oct 04National Taco Day
ThursdayThuOct 09, 2025Oct 09Leif Erikson Day
SaturdaySatOct 18, 2025Oct 18Sweetest Day
WednesdayWedOct 29, 2025Oct 29National Cat Day
FridayFriOct 31, 2025Oct 31Halloween
MondayMonNov 03, 2025Nov 03National Sandwich Day
FridayFriNov 28, 2025Nov 28Black Friday
MondayMonDec 01, 2025Dec 01Cyber Monday
SaturdaySatDec 06, 2025Dec 06Candle Day
TuesdayTueDec 09, 2025Dec 09National Pastry Day
FridayFriDec 19, 2025Dec 19National Ugly Sweater day