When is Canada Day in 2025?
Canada Day in 2025 is on the Tuesday, 1st of Jul (7/01/2025).
Canada Day is on the 182nd day of 2025. There are 183 days left in the year.
Canada Day Facts
- Date: Jul 01, 2025
- National
- Also Called: Moving Day
- Celebrations: Fireworks, Parades, Festivals

Canada Day is the National holiday of Canada. Canada Day celebrates the anniversary of the July 1, 1867 when united Canada is formed as a single country of four provinces.
Canada Day is always observed on July 1, unless that date falls on a Sunday, in this case it is observed on the following day.
Canada Day is celebrated in a grand style at Ottawa. Every year thousands of people gather at Parliament Hill to take part in the noon show with the Prime Minister.
All Canadians are entitled to Canada Day off work except some emergency service workers. Canada Day is considered as a Public Day with outings, picnics and lots of outdoor events like parades, carnivals, air shows, fireworks and musical concerts.
Canadians proudly fly the Canadian Flag, sing songs and enjoy the day with their friends and families.
Canada Day Observances
- Tue
- Jul 01, 2008
- Wed
- Jul 01, 2009
- Thu
- Jul 01, 2010
- Fri
- Jul 01, 2011
- Sun
- Jul 01, 2012