When is Family Day in 2022?
Family Day in 2022 is on the Monday, 21st of Feb (2/21/2022).
Family Day is on the 52nd day of 2022. There are 313 days left in the year.
Family Day Facts
- Date: Feb 21, 2022
- National
- Also Called:
- Celebrations: Celebrations; getaway, movies, board games, kids amusements

Families are the foundation of every society. It is the fabric that weaves the social fabric and brings the effective functioning of the society. Celebrating our families helps us understand the importance of a family as part of a more significant societal group. Canada celebrates Family day as a public holiday to give its citizens time to spend time together and strengthen the family bond.
When is the Family Day Celebrated?
Five provinces of Canada celebrate Family Day on entirely different dates. Alberta, Ontario, New Brunswick, and Saskatchewan mark the day on the third Monday of February. Until 2018, British Columbia has celebrated Family Day on the second Monday of February. Henceforth British Columbia is set to observe the holiday on the third Monday in February.
History of Family Day
The first Family Day was held in Alberta in 1990. Lieutenant Governor Helen Hunley proclaimed the holiday after the passing of the Family Day Act in 1990. The Family Day had been proposed by Don Getty, Alberta’s former premier after his son got arrested for dealing with illegal drugs. According to Getty, his family failed in instilling values and morals to their son. He was therefore motivated to create a day that would counteract the erosion of family values in most Canadian families. The date of celebration was chosen to coincide with Washington’s Birthday.
After Alberta, it took almost two decades for the other Canadian provinces to embrace the initiative. Saskatchewan was the second province to celebrate the holiday starting February 2007. Ontario commenced in 2008, British Columbia followed in 2013, and finally, New Brunswick began to observe the holiday in 2018. Other provinces like Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Yukon, and Prince Edward Island. Four other territories have created the holiday, but they observe it on different months other than February. Although five other regions are yet to embrace Family Day, there is heavy pressure to have them conform to the rest of the country’s provinces.
How to Celebrate Family Day
The best way to celebrate Family Day is by spending time with your family and strengthening the bond you all share.
This is the best time to take your family on a weekend getaway. You can make a trip to the beach, countryside or a hike. Although short, it will give you a chance to catch up with the family away from your regular busy schedule. Remember to use the limited time well and focus entirely on your family. If possible, spend the time without your phone or computer to reinforce quality family time.
You can also visit art exhibitions, play board games, take part in craft activities and skate outdoors. If you are lucky, your local town would be organizing special public events and art galleries all at reduced prices or even free entry. Be sure to attend if any such activities will be happening in your area.
Considering that Family Day falls in the winter, you might decide to relax and stay indoors. Take advantage of the opportunity to prepare hot meals together as a family. From hot chocolate to freshly baked cookies and other snacks. You can also use the time to explore your family history.
It is also a golden chance to spend time watching movies as you all enjoy a bowl of popcorns. You can get some films that emphasize on the importance of family such as, The Family Man (2000), the sound of Music (1965), Finding Nemo (2003) among others.
Remember to share an inspiring message about the importance of family on social media on social media using the hashtag #FamilyDayCanada.
Why Celebrate Family Day
From time to time, our families need a little touch-up and repainting to prevent them from decaying, fading and finally rotting. Family Day helps us recognize and appreciate the bond and connections that we have. Most of us run a very busy life, and it, therefore, gets tough to spend quality time with our families. Family Day grants us the golden opportunity to take a break from the hectic schedule and instead dedicate the entire day to the family. After all, there is nothing more valuable than spending quality time with your blood family.
Family Day Observances
- Mon
- Feb 20, 2012
- Mon
- Feb 08, 2016
- Mon
- Feb 13, 2017
- Mon
- Feb 12, 2018
- Mon
- Feb 11, 2019